Covering All The Angles
For PixMix Video Services...our tag line...
Covering All The Angles
really tells the tale of our company.One of our specialties is multi-camera production. Whether on location or in our studio
...when PixMix is shooting an event
with multiple cameras we are certainly
covering all the angles
.And for every event we shoot,
for every project that we undertake...
PixMix takes that tag line to heart.We don't allow ANYTHING to fall through the cracks.
We pay attention to EVERY detail of EVERY job.From the smallest item to the largest...
we are CONSTANTLY thinking about the job
and how to make it better...how to assure
that EVERYTHING goes according to plan
and according to budget.For in the end,
Covering All the Angles
truly is the mantra that we live by
every day, for every project.And ultimately we believe it is one of the reasons why
we have been very successful for well over 40 years.So the next time you're considering retaining
a company to help you with a project...
why not let PixMix put our philosophy of
Covering All the Angles
to work for you.